The Heaton's unites Grossbourgh Shire and builded Grossbourghy Castle as their residence.

Before that, the shire was divided into 3 shires. The Nooxy Shire in the south. The Whorton Shire in the North, and the ? Shire in the west.

The moutainland east of Grossbourghy Castle was added later.


Sir Leon Heaton of Grossbourgh is born


Sir Leon Heaton of Grossbourgh marries Lady Mildrid of Bellings


Lady Mary Heaton of Grossbourgh is born


Sir Goeffrey Heaton of Grossbourgh is born


Lady Mary Heaton of Grossbourgh merries a grocer from Nooxy, Herry Curry


Sir Goeffrey Heaton of Grossbourgh marries ?


Sir Leonard Heaton of Grossbourgh is born


Lady Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh is born


Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh is born


Sir Leon Heaton of Grossbourgh dies, and Sir Goeffrey Heaton becomes Lord of Grossbourgh.


Sir Benjamin is approaches by Lady Mary of Grossbourgh, who suggests a rebellion against her brother, Sir Goeffrey, to replace him, with her self and her husband.


The 16th Prince marries Lady Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh.


Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh makes a surprise attack on Grossbourgh at Wity Marsh. That lures the army of Grossbourgh to go to Whorton.

Meanwhile, Sir Robert of Lewinton leads a raid form the mountains of Lewinton at Grossbourgh Castle, where he kills Sir Geoffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh and their son, Sir Leonard Heaton.

Sir Robert of Lewinton, however, gets sexual desire for Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh, so Sir Robert spares her at the tower of Grossbourgh Castle in captivity.

The 15th Prince and Princess Queen Beatrice Lady of Chetzer with The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh arrives, reintakes the Grossbourgh Castle, free Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and captures Sir Robert of Lewinton.

When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lewinton hears about his son's faith he asks for cease to negotiate with The 15th Prince.

Before The 15th Prince can finish the negosiations, The 14th King dies, and The 15th Prince have to return to Kingston Castle to be crowned as King.

The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh stayed at Grossbourgh Castle to take care of Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and to guard over Sir Robert of Lewinton to keep him in prison.

The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh place Sir Robert of Lewinton at the prison cell, he had made for Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh at the tower until The 15th King. have comed to a desition.


Late Winter The 15th Prince decides Sir Robert of Lewinton can stay as govenor of Grossbourgh and rule on behaf of the underageed Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh, but he must stay in captivity at the Castle of Grossbourgh.

Early Spring Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lewinton takes his newly married wife Lady Virginia Angelica of Lewinton with him to Grossbourgh Castle to bring the decition of 15th King to his son, Sir Robert of Lewinton, and The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh.

The 16th Prince have to obay his father and appoints Sir Robert of Lewinton from as govenor of Grossbourgh on hehaf of Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh but suggests his wife Princess Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh to go to Wondon, to seek help at his sister Lady Rebeeca of Wondon.

As soon as The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh left, Sir Robert of Lewinton places Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh in captivity at the tower with him.


Fraya Heaton consive a daughter, Denice Heaton, with Sir Robert.


Lady Denice Heaton of Grossbourgh becomes the 16th Queen, and comes visiting her sister and nice at Grossbourgh. She discovers, that Sir Robert are keeping them under lock and key at have them releasted from their prison.

Soon after Queen Denice has left Grossbourgh, The Aunt amd uncle of Sir Robert, Lady Valerie of Lewinton and Slim Bellerby with their two sons, Direk and Clarke Bellerby arrives at Grossbourgh Castle to guard Lady Fraya Heaton and Lady Denice Heaton.

Slim Bellerby becomes Vice govenor of Grossbourgh Shire.


Sir Robert of Malbrough makes a raid into the northan part of Wondon, and burns the Wondon Tower down.

During the raid, The Vice governor, Slim Bellerby, lost his life.


Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh attacks Wondon, and killed Sir Thomas of Wondon at the Castle.

Sir Benjamin was killed in front of the Witch Cottage.

Sir Robert of Malbourgh becomes Lord of Malbrough, Lewinton and Grossbourgh Shires when Sir Benjamin of Malbrough was killed.

Sir Robert returns to Malbourgh Castle, and toke Tami Witt on as his new best girl.


It becomes custume to brand thieves with hot iron.

It becomes illegal for men to practice medicine.